The aim of Social Electricity Online Platform (SEOP) project is to create online, interactive learning modules, educational services and a social ICT platform to help people become more aware of energy and sustainability, encouraging them to socialize about resource consumption and engage themselves in communities related to energy-saving practices. The project extends the award-winning Social Electricity Facebook application, which helps consumers to perceive their energy behaviour by comparing their footprint with the one of their online friends and other contacts.


The SEOP project tries to address the fact that most of the existing ICT infrastructures which aim to educate people about energy conservation are rather isolated and incomplete, not based on any methodological and analytical techniques.


SEOP aims to develop effective and comprehensive tools, and a social ICT platform that would allow European citizens to be educated about energy-saving practices and techniques and the crucial importance of energy conservation for the society and the environment. This platform would have a pedagogical character based on state of the art methodologies relating to adult education. The pedagogical approach of the online learning platform will be based on the latest developments in the field of adult training and e-learning.